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Lehua Records - Artist: Hui 'Ohana

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Artist: Hui 'Ohana
Album: Young Hawaii Plays Old Hawaii
CD Id: SLCD-7006

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Track Song Title Time
1 Nani Waimea 02:44
2 Salomila 02:06
3 E Liliu E 02:14
4 E Mama E 03:22
5 Ulupalakua 02:29
6 Sweet Lei Mokihana 04:38
7 U'i Lani 03:33
8 Kaloaloa 02:24
9 Pua Lililehua 04:17
10 Nanakuli 02:41
11 Pua Mae 'Ole 03:54
12 Hula O Makee 02:34
13 Pua Lilia 04:00
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Album CoverNone in the group has had any formal musical training. "We learned music Hawaiian style," they said — from relatives at first and then mostly self-taught. All are originally from the Kalapana area of Hawaii noted for its famed black sand beach. The friendliness and unsophisticated charm of their rural village upbringing does not escape those listening to their "big city" musicianship. The contrast is delightful.

This is album No. 1 for Hui Ohana but all in the group have had live public exposure off and on for a number of years first on the island of their birth and more recently and most importantly in the popular Danny Kaleikini show at the Kahala Hilton. Between home and Honolulu they were construction workers for awhile.

The individual members of Hui Ohana are young but much of their appeal comes from the vibes they give off which can quickly transport listeners back to a Hawaii of bygone days. Considering their youth, the group's repertoire and memory for the notes and difficult lyrics of countless old Hawaiian tunes is most impressive. "We grew up with this music," is their casual explanation. On the other hand, this trio has the versatility and talent to update these songs to appeal to today's audiences with clever touches in rendition and novel original arrangements.

Hui Ohana means "group of the family" in Hawaiian. This name is appropriate because all in the trio are related. Ledward Kaapana is group leader and lead guitarist. His twin brother, Nedward, is bass player. They are 23 years old and pure Hawaiian. Cousin Dennis Pavao, 21 and Portuguese-Hawaiian, is rhythm guitarist and lead vocalist who specializes in falsetto singing on several numbers.

I am happy to have produced this album so you, too, can share my enthusiasm for this talented group I feel will soon be making a significant mark among Hawaii's top entertainers.

My special mahalo to Gordon Helm and Lydia Ludin for their kokua in making this album possible.

Bill Murata

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