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Artist: Hui 'Ohana
Album: Ke Kolu - Featuring Tina Kaapana
CD Id: SLCD-7012

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Track Song Title Time
1 Kumukahi 02:03
2 Kanaka Wai Wai 03:40
3 Kaulana O Hilo Hanakahi 02:32
4 Wailana 03:10
5 My Lovely Flower 03:01
6 Pauoa Liko Lehua 03:18
7 Waiakanaio 03:08
8 O Kalena Kai 03:10
9 Radio Hula 02:36
10 Hui Ohana 03:01
11 God Bless My Daddy/Mom 03:43
12 Wai O Ke Ani Ani 03:08
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Album CoverMeet Mama Ohana — Regina "Mama Tina" Kaapana, mother of twins Nedward and Ledward Kaapana, of Hui Ohana.

This is her debut album. "We've sung many times as a family," she says of performing with her talented sons. "But this is my first time doing an album." She joins the Kaapana boys and their cousin, Dennis Pavao, in a unique family affair. Papa Ohana would've done this session, too, since the Kaapana boys wanted to wax one with their folks. But he passed on before the LP could be recorded, leaving the mission to Mama.

Singing, she says, has always been a part of the family. "It's in us all. My parents, my grandparents. Now, my children. We're all musicians." Nedward and Ledward are only two of her 10 children. And they're the only ones — so far — on records.

Mrs. Kaapana's late husband, George, wrote one of the six songs she sings here. The Hui offers a couple of new tunes, too — like two by the late George Huddy, "Hui Ohana" and "Waiakanaio." Obviously, the former was written expressly for Hui Ohana.

Again, the Hui offers succinct renderings of a by-gone Hawaii: slack-key guitarmanship, falsetto singing, intricate vocal blends. And this time, Mama Ghana joins them. Is she eager to pursue a recording career of her own?

"Not really," she says, "I still sing at parties at home (Kalapana, on the Big Island). I'll leave records to the boys."

She's heard on one side of this, the third Hui Ohana album. But Hawaiian style, she may be beckoned for more. As locals put it: "Hana hou." One more time, maybe?

Wayne Harada

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