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Lehua Records - Artist: Melveen Leed

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Artist: Melveen Leed
Album: Melveen With The Best Of Slack-Key
CD Id: SLCD-7046

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Track Song Title Time
1 Pua Alani 04:02
2 None Hula 02:19
3 Pauoa Liko Ka Lehua 02:01
4 Puu O Hulu 02:47
5 Wai O Ke Ani Ani 02:12
6 Kamalani O Keaukaha 03:27
7 Ka Manu 02:08
8 Na Pua Ka Ilima 03:06
9 Nanea Kou Maka 03:02
10 Makee Ailana 03:22
11 Paliakamoa 03:42
12 Ka Iiwi Polena 02:47
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Album CoverCombine stellar vocals and the best slack key stylings of all time and what do you get? Magic. Previously released in 1980, Melveen with the Best of Slack-Key proves to be timeless. With the increasing interest in playing and listening to slack-key guitar today, it is only appropriate to make this recording available on compact disc.

Melveen with the Best of Slack-Key features Hawaii’s best slack-key players: Gabby Pahinui, Atta Isaacs, Sonny Chillingworth, and Ledward Kaapana. Only Ledward is alive today and continues to share his fine gift of slack-key.

Melveen Leed, known for her Hawaiian country style, offers her vocals to 12 traditional Hawaiian songs including, Pauoa Liko Ka Lehua and Makee Ailana. Melveen has always had a way of making a song her own. However, combined with the extraordinary talents of the fathers of slack-key, this CD offers something truly unique.

Track/Artist Listing
1. PUA ALAN! - Gabby Pahinui
2. NONE HULA - Sonny Chillingworth
3. PAUOA LIKO KA LEHUA - Atta Isaacs
4. PUU O HULU - Ledward Kaapana
5. WAI O KE AN I AN I - Sonny Chillingworth
6. KAMALANI O KEAUKAHA - Ledward Kaapana
7. KA MANU - Gabby Pahinui
8. NA PUA KA ILIM - Ledward Kaapana
9. NANEA KOU MAKA - Atta Isaacs
10. MAKEE AILANA - Sonny Chillingworth
11. PALIAKAMOA - Atta Isaacs
12. KA IIWI POLENA - Gabby Pahinui

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