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Lehua Records - About Our Label

Lehua Record LabelLehua Records became a major producer of Hawaiian music in 1972 when it signed the Hui Ohana (Nedward and Ledward Kaapana and Dennis Pavao) to a long term recording contract. Other artists recorded before and after Melveen Leed joined the label with her Hawaiian-Country style of music, recorded in Nashville. Inter-mixed with its more than 100 master recordings are a number of recordings purchased from Makaha Records and Sounds of Hawaii Records, going back to the 1960's. Lehua Records today sells compact discs manufactured from its catalog of older master tapes of Hawaiian music.

Our artists include Herb Ohta, Al Lopaka, Benny Kalama, Bill Kaiwa, Buddy Fo & His Group, Bunny Brown's Hilo Hawaiians, Charles K. L. Davis, Charles Kaipo And His Happy Hawaiians, Danny Kaleikini, Eddie Bush, Eddie Kamae, Emma Veary, Herb "Ohta-San" Ohta, Honolulu Boy Choir, Hui 'Ohana, Jerry Byrd, Jesse Kalima, Kawai Cockett, Lanakila's Polynesians, Leina'ala Haili, Marlene Sai, Melveen Leed, Myrtle K. Hilo, Nedward Kaapana, Nina Keali'iwahamana, Rene' Paulo, Sonny Chillingworth, and The Kawaiahao Church Choir. You may see a complete list of our recordings here.

Records from the Lehua Record Label may be licensed for use commercially. If you are interested in a license to use any of our recordings, you may contact us via email here. Or you may write to Surfside Hawaii, Inc., P.O. Box 1207, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96807-1207. You may read more detailed information about licensing our music for commercial purposes here.

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Lehua Records is owned by Surfside Hawaii, Inc., P.O. Box 1207, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96807-1207
Mahalo Records is owned by Surfside Hawaii, Inc., P.O. Box 1207, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96807-1207
Web Design and Maintenance by Neal & Associates